David and Martha Boynton
Clinton, Maine
Sending Church Clinton Baptist Church Clinton Maine
AGM start year: 2024
Mission Verse: Luke 19:10 For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.
Family: 2 Sons and 2 grandsons
Personal Testimony:
(David) I was saved March 27, 1983. After the morning service on the “Love of God”, something that had been missing in my life for 24 1/2 years. I bowed my head and confessed to God that I was a sinner and asked him to forgive my sins. I believe that he is the Son of God, and I called upon his name to come into my heart and save me and he did.
(Martha) My salvation came as an answer to a prayer that I prayed when I was in the 3rd grade, that God would reveal himself to me when I was old enough to understand His message to me. At the age of 20 God allowed a chain of events that brought not only my salvation but those of some of my siblings, along with my husband. Easter Sunday April 3, 1983 while under heavy conviction I asked Jesus to forgive me of my sins and to make me a new creation in Jesus and he did and continues to mold me into His image.
AGM Testimony:
After retirement we were seeking to where the Lord would have us to labor for Him. We have always been very active in the ministries of the church but were looking to travel now. Three winters later while working in a Christian volunteer helps ministry the Lord put us in the path of Dr. John and Paula Gardiner at a church we only attend when volunteering in the Clermont area of Florida. It was our last Sunday in Florida and after hearing of the opportunity we both knew the Lord was leading us to be apart of AGM Ministry. Our survey trip was just a few weeks later at the Spring Festival in Birmingham Alabama with Dan and Kathy Davis. At that point we knew and yielded to the call to the obedience of winning the lost. We officially joined AGM February 7, 2024. We are excited and look forward to be used of God in the Fair ministry.