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Where We Are Today

Where AGM has come from one preacher 40+yrs ago with a vision to put soul winning teams everywhere!

Where We are Today

  • As of 2024, Amazing Grace Mission is 40+ years old and growing seeing souls being won to the Lord around the world.
  • We have approximately 160 full-time or part-time missionaries and have served in approx. 400 fairs, festivals and farm shows in the previous years, including foreign fields. 
  • God has blessed and each year of the last five years, AGM has reaped thousands of professions of faith in the marketplaces attended.
  • Approximately 9,000 respond yearly to the Bible Club/discipleship program. 
  • Many churches have been trained and are ultimately running/staffing fairs nationwide with soul winning teams.
  • Missionaries in foreign fields have been trained in “marketplace” soul winning for use in the marketplaces of their respective mission fields.
  • The fairs, festivals, and farm show contracts have substantial cost which are provided by financial supporters, both churches and individuals.
  • Gospel Tracts provided for use in the fairs is again a substantial cost which are provided by financial supporters, both churches and individuals.
  • Another large expense incurred is the postage/shipping for newsletters, Bible Club lessons, and forwarding tracts to the missionaries nationwide for fair use. 
  • Liability insurance, administrative expenses and minimal salaries make up the remainder of cost incurred each year in ministry. God provides for every need. To Him Be the Glory!