Name(s): Robert and Karen Holm
City / State of residence: Bend, Oregon
When were you saved?:1997
When did start Amazing Grace Mission?: 1999
Sending church: Bend Bible Fellowship
Contact Info: robholm97@gmail.com 541-639-2276 www.hathlife.com
Life verse: Colossians 2:6: “As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him:”
Rob's Personal Testimony: I was saved in 1997 at the age of 37. For 32 years prior to that time, I said I was a Christian, but in reality I was a false convert. I sincerely prayed the “sinner's prayer” at the age of 5, and several more times as I grew up. I was often told it is normal to doubt if you’re saved, but that “it’s just the devil making you doubt.” I faithfully attended conservative evangelical and Baptist churches and church camp from childhood. From 12 years old and into adulthood, I was active in some capacity or other: nursery worker, youth worker, pianist, choir director, congregational song leader, youth pastor. I even married a preacher’s daughter!
After moving from the west coast to Pennsylvania, I crossed paths with a Hebrew Christian who took me through the Ten Commandments (Romans 7:7-13; Galatians 3:24). I never knew God saw my thought life as though it was reality (Matthew 5:21-22, 27-28; Romans 2:21-24), It was only then that I knew God would be just to cast me into hell. Heeding the commandment of 2 Corinthians 13:5 to examine myself whether Jesus was truly in me, I came to realize I had been trusting in my sincerity and a prayer, having never truly believed on Jesus. It was then that I trusted in Christ. In the days to come, it was as though scales had fallen off my eyes and I knew I was born again. I have never doubted since (Romans 8:16; 2 Timothy 1:12; 1 John 5:13).
Testimonial of what it has meant to be a part of AGM or if new with AGM, something about your call to serve etc: In May of 1999 at the suggestion of my pastor, I attended a leadership conference near Philadelphia where I met several workers with Amazing Grace Mission. I had the same reaction to the 3-door display that many at the fair do: “What? What do you mean ‘3 Things God Cannot Do’!? After we talked for a few moments, the Lord confirmed He wanted me to work with AGM. AGM got into the Oregon State Fair that same year, and I was requested to work the event. I also managed fairs in Montana on the way west. I had no idea what I was doing, but the Lord taught me a lot, and continues to do so! As I look back on my life (even before I got saved), I know the Lord was preparing me for the marketplace ministry (Acts 17:17). There is nothing else like it!