Home and Sending Church: Liberty Baptist Church
9400 4th Street N.
St. Petersburg, FL33702
Pastor: Dr. J.L. Lowe (founding pastor - 40+ years)
Personal: We were married in June of 1969, having celebrated more than 50 years of marriage. We have been blessed with three wonderful children: Jennifer, Matthew, Mark, and 14 terrific grandchildren. Glen is a retired Police Sergeant with St. Petersburg, Florida and Carol is a retired Interior Decorator. Glen has a Bachelors Degree in Biblical Studies. After more than 20years of personal evangelism and having led 1000s to the Lord, and sharing the gospel with many thousands more, it feels like we have earned a doctorate in evangelism/soul winning :-)
At this time (2022), Glen manages the AGM website along with working public events.

At this writing we are embarking on our 24nd year serving the Lord through Amazing Grace Mission. It has been an “amazing” few years! We have been blessed beyond description, humbled by the experience of seeing God work in the lives of thousands of people and blessed to be a part of the work of God through market place evangelism with Amazing Grace Mission. We are burdened for the lost of America and are committed to serving with AGM as long as the Lord will allow. The public venue of American marketplaces (fairs & festivals) is unsurpassed in the opportunity to reach so many lost. America is religion rich, but truly salvation poor! The millions that believe they are heaven bound due to their religion and works is overwhelming. People do not come to the fair to be saved, although literally thousands profess Christ as Saviour every year through the ministry of AGM. Praise the Lord! America needs the good news of Jesus Christ! "How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?" Romans 10:14
The Call of God
The unexpected Call of God came in November of 2000. I had retired from the St. Petersburg Police Department in October of 1999, and was working as an investigator for the Pinellas County Sheriff's Office and doing some private investigation for a local PI firm. Carol had recently retired from a career as an interior decorator, having worked for one of the largest builders in Florida, and owning her own design firm. For years we had been praying for God to speak when the time came to take a different direction in our lives. GOD SPOKE! As I kept a journal of prayer, and Bible study, God began to speak through prayer, Bible study, preaching, music ministry, and circumstances. The answer to that prayer came when God spoke boldly to me and Carol at the same time and in the same service in November 2000.
Dr. James Gardner, Founder of Amazing Grace Mission, preached that day at Liberty. As he spoke, God began to speak to me and Carol. By the end of the message, Carol and I looked at each other, with tears in our eyes and said "we've got talk to that man." After speaking to Dr. Gardner we realized that "this was what all the prayers had been about." Looking back a far as 10 years we can now see what God had been orchestrating in our lives to bring us to the place of submitting to service to Him with Amazing Grace Mission. "Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I send me." Isaiah 6:8
The First Five Years (2001-2005)
- Began serving fulltime in Market Place Evangelism in state and county fairs thru-out America in Fall 2001
- To date have worked fairs & festivals in 16 states
- Trained many folks & churches in Soul Winning
- Presented the Market Place Ministry of AGM
- Averaged 12+, 13-20 day events (with setup) each year
- 2004-05 - Developed & built extensive AGM website, including 98% of all copy, photos, video etc.
- Website Administrator/Developer from conception to present (developed complete Online Training Center)
- 2004-05 - Carol began helping with American missionary recruitment and follow-up
- Due to Website, Foreign Nationals began to inquire. Also, increased interest from Americans. Carol expands follow-up efforts. Follow-up begins with foreigners.
- All the above work was done while carrying a heavy fair schedule. Since, then we have cut back on our travel
- Glen had quit managing the website in 2010 and we returned to just the fair ministry
- but in 2022 Glen felt God was calling him to return to managing the website and the create a whole new one as the old one was in much need of updating.
Overall Results & Blessings
- Over the last 20yrs+ of ministry we personally have led an unknown number, but 1000s of people (13yr-86yr) have made Professions of Faith in Christ
- Personally planted, watered & shared Gospel truths & seeds in hundreds of thousands more in numerous USA events thru verbal witness, Bible and tracts
- Have turned thousands of decision cards over to the local churches for follow-up
- During the years of service with AGM, Glen has completed his BA degree in Biblical Studies.
How We Can Help You
It is our hearts desire and burden to reach as many lost people in America and around the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ as possible. Because of this burden; we as Amazing Grace Missionaries have a vision to help and minister with local fundamental Baptist Churches. Primarily we want to help the churches rediscover evangelism in their communities. How do we do this? By training the saints in soul winning, taking salvation to the lost, retaining contact information for discipleship and follow-up for the church. We would like to offer our help as you seek to reach the lost of your community. Listed below are some of the methods and services we offer to help you reach your community.
· Help ignite a desire in your members to witness & share their faith in the community
· Help develop a Market Place Outreach Program using the AGM methods of evangelism and outreach
· Train your folks in soul winning
· Help you find marketplace events in your area of community outreach
· Help with needs and requirements to secure space at an event of choice
· Come in advance of an event to train your folks in Market Place Evangelism
· Provide training documentation
· Training on visitation and follow-up methods