From: Port St. Lucie, FL
AGM Start Year: 2007
Home Church: Port St. Lucie Bible Church
Personal Testimonies:
I was a member of Calvary Baptist Church in Pa. for about 6 years doing everything God wanted me to, but never had peace. Being under the Word of God convicted me of my sin. I went home, took out the Bible, Bible dictionary and concordance and prayed to God for wisdom and understanding and to show me my problem. I went to the book of John and came to the conclusion I was not saved. I got on knees and asked God to forgive me and thanked Jesus for paying the debt for my sins. I also asked to use me in any way he saw fit. I have not always been as close to God as I should have been. Thank God for 1 John 1:9. I now have the peace that God promised. Praise God.
I grew up in an Italian Catholic family. Church and the mass were very important to me. In my later teen years I began to question my beliefs. I visited with priest and asked my questions. I was always told the same answer: "it's not for me to question the church, but rather to obey God and the church doctrine." I believe God was working in my heart at this time. I stopped going to church because I felt like a hypocrite. I knew I had mortal sin on my soul and when I died I was going to hell. Worst thing was that there was nothing I could do to change it.
God had a plan. Through circumstances I attended a church that taught from the Bible (first time I had ever gone to a non-Catholic church). The Pastor preached from his big black floppy Bible. He asked if I were to die tonight would I know for sure that I would go to heaven. I responded to the invitation and accepted Christ as my Savior that night. I fought many battles in my Christian life since then, but praise God, He has fought them all for me.