NAME(s) Dr. David N. & Susan Smeltz
City / State of residence North Port, Florida
When were you saved? I was saved in October 5, 1970 at Emmanuel Baptist Church in Fort Lauderdale, Fl, in a revival service. Dr. Ray Sadler was the speaker.
Susan was saved at Leesville Rd, Baptist Church 1975.
When did you start Amazing Grace Mission? In 2013 I began working with Ralph Copeland an Amazing Grace missionary.
Sending church (2006)Bethel Baptist Church in Amherst, Va. In 2007 we moved our membership to Harmony Baptist Church in Plant City, Fl. In January of 2022 we moved our membership to Sun Coast Baptist Church in North Port, FL which is now our "sending church."
Contact Info Eric McConnell, Suncoast Baptist Pastor.
Contact information-Mail Pastor7777@aol.com Web Page: www.drdavidsmeltz.org home 434-546-1020
Life verse Daniel 9:17 (KJV) 17 Now therefore, O our God, hear the prayer of thy servant, and his supplications, and cause thy face to shine upon thy sanctuary that is desolate, for the Lord's sake.
Dr. Smeltz pastored for 28 years and planted five churches in USA. A graduate of Liberty Baptist College in 1978. M.Div. from Anchor Theological Seminary in 1983 and Th.D. from Anchor Theological Seminary. 1985. Entered missions in 2006 and has ministered in nine countries. He and Susan have ministered in the Ukraine for over six years and Guatemala, Haiti, Cuba, Philippians, Cambodia, and Vietnam. Brother Smeltz is a Vietnam Veteran served 1965-66. Dr. Smeltz founded His Word of Truth Ministry in 1974 and Voice of Victory Pod Cast in 2018. He was the Chaplain of Vietnam Veterans of America State of Virginia 2000 to 2016
Personal Testimony I was saved after returning home Vietnam under the ministry of Dr. Ray Sadler in a revival in 1970; I repented of my sins and cried out to God for salvation . I met my wife, and she was the person who got me in church in September of 1970. God called me to preach in 1973. David and Susan have been married for 52 years. They have five children, 12 grandchildren and six great grandchildren.
What has it meant to be a part of AGM? The first time I went to a fair ministry was the Lee County Fair in Florida where retired Pastor Fred Willis trained me. I knew that night this was a great ministry to win souls. What a glorious night that was as many souls were saved. I had met brother James Gardner (AGM Founder) in 1983 a the Indiana State Fair.